eNotes are electronic versions of promissory notes. There can only be one authoritative copy of this signed eNote, and it must be held in an eVault. You can think of eVaults as storage for eNotes that follow very specific guidelines set by Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS).
Two Supported Vaults
Notarize with Proof supports two external vendors for eVaults: eOriginal and DocMagic. Lenders must contract directly with their vault provider to set up testing and production accounts. Once your vault is configured, Notarize with Proof can plug your provided credentials into your Proof accounts and seamlessly integrate with the vault. Once integrated, when you upload eNotes or create a transaction via an integration/API, Notarize with Proof automatically uploads and signs the documents in your vault.
When is the eNote Registered with MERS?
eOriginal: The eNote is registered with MERS after the meeting completes on Notarize with Proof.
DocMagic: DocMagic registers the eNote with MERS after it is signed (DocMagic customers must configure this setting within DocMagic).
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