A Selfie Comparison is a method of verifying a person's identity by matching a real-time "selfie" photo to the identification (ID) provided. It may also be referred to as a biometrics verification.
Selfie Comparison is one piece of the IAL2-Compliant Identity Verification completed for Proof Transactions.
Notarizations may also fall back to selfie instead of knowledge-based authentication in certain circumstances.
Articles by Audience
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- Users (Signers): Selfie Comparison for Signers Completing Proof Transactions
- Businesses: Proof Transactions in the Business Portal
- Title Agents: Proof Transactions in the Title Portal
- Lenders: Proof Transactions in the Lender Portal
ℹ️ If you're looking for Selfie Comparison for notarizations when the notary is commissioned in New York, read New York Notarizations: Selfie Comparisons and Selfie Comparison for Signers When the Notary is Commissioned in New York.
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