Organizations that are connected by a parent or child relationship in Proof are collectively called a Company, and how the organizations within a company relate to each other is called the Company Structure.
Here are some important terms to know when looking at the Company Structure:
- Root Organization: The Root Org is the foundational organization for the entire company. All other organizations in the company are child orgs of this organization.
- Parent Organization: A Parent Org is any organization with subsidiary (child) organizations. Users in a parent organization will have access to the child organization(s).
- Child Organization: A Child Org is a subsidiary of a parent org.
A user’s access to organization data is based on where they belong within the Company Structure.
- Home Organization: The Home Org is the primary organization to which a user belongs. If a user's Home Org is a parent to child organizations, that user will be able to navigate into any of the child organizations below their home organization. Their role is always the same, regardless of which organization they are accessing (learn more about roles here).
If a company has only one organization, that organization is both the Root Org in the company structure and the Home Organization for all users.
Command Center is required to enable the creation of multiple organizations for your company. Learn more about Command Center.
Here is an example of a Company Structure.