Has your credit card expired or changed? Update your account settings so you don't miss a beat. Here's how to update the credit card or bank information on file for your Proof business account.
ℹ️ Note: If you are invoiced by Proof, read Invoices.
🎯Primary Audience: Proof for Business
⚠️ If your payment method is declined, you will not be able to access documents that were completed without payment.
Steps for the Admin
- Log in to your Proof account.
- Click ⚙️ Settings from the navigation panel on the left:
- If you don't see the panel, click the caret to expand it.
- Select Billing & Payment from the Settings menu.
- Click the second tab labeled Payment Settings.
- Select Update Payment.
- Update your Credit Card or Bank Account details:
- Credit Card: Type your Name, Card Number, Expiration Date, and CVC exactly as they're presented on your physical credit card.
- Bank Account: Select Connect Account > Search for your bank > Log in to your bank account > Select the account you'd like us to charge for each completed transaction.
- Select Save Changes.
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