If you want to use your phone for audio instead of your computer for a meeting, these steps will show you how to connect to the audio portion of a web session through your mobile device. This is known as a "dialing in".
🎯Primary Audience: Signers
Need to Know
The platform is currently not accepting international dial-ins. (No out-of-country numbers.):
- Notaries: Refer the signer to the mobile app or mobile web if you cannot connect with someone outside of the United States.
You must be connected to the Proof platform for the meeting duration (using audio via phone and video via computer). Audio connections through a separate app are not acceptable.
Nice to Know
Signers can... |
Notaries can... |
Type a phone number instead of choosing microphone/speaker devices during TechCheck |
Suggest that the signer switch to phone audio |
Switch between computer and phone audio in a meeting using the A/V Settings sidebar | See if the signer is using a phone or computer for meeting audio |
- The computer microphone is automatically muted when the signer uses phone audio.
- The phone call automatically ends upon meeting termination/completion.
Steps for Signers
- Click the 3 vertical dots under the signer's video feed to open Settings
- Click
- Click
The signer receives a call on their phone upon entering the meeting. The number that appears on the signer's phone to allow them to speak with the notary is 1.855.940.1390.
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