When contacting Proof's Support Team, please be prepared to share the following information with the support agent:
- The email address associated with the user experiencing the problem
- The user's browser (Chrome, Safari, etc.) or app (Android or iOS)
- The transaction ID specifically related to the issue experienced (if applicable)
What types of questions can I ask via phone support?
- Technical issues with platform usage via a computer or mobile device web browser.
- Technical issues with platform usage via the Notarize Android or iOS app.
- Request for the status of an order with our Closing Operations Team.
When is phone support available?
Phone support is available during the same customer support hours as email.
Who is phone support available to?
Our Support Team offers phone support for advanced subscribers with phone support included in their account features and services. Technical phone support is available to users on the entitled account and signers who have received a transaction from the authorized account.
Phone support is available to any subscriber with phone support listed as a service/feature included in their monthly subscription. Phone support is also available for signers listed on a transaction initiated from an Enterprise account with a subscription including phone support.
How else can I contact Support?
Chat and email support are available to all users regardless of subscription tier.