Learn how to cancel a single Real Estate transaction.
Depending on the transaction's state, you may need to first recall a transaction before deleting it. In this case, refer to Recall & Edit a Real Estate Transaction.
To bulk delete transactions, read Delete Real Estate Transactions in Bulk.
🎯Primary Audience: Title Agents & Lenders
Know When to Cancel a Transaction
If a transaction contains errors that cannot be fixed during the meeting, you can either recall and edit the transaction or cancel it. To recall a transaction, it must be in one of the following statuses: Sent to SIgner, Order Placed, Received, or Viewed.
Errors that can be fixed during a meeting
- Signer name misspellings
- Document tagging
Errors that cannot be fixed during a meeting
- A transaction was sent to an incorrect email address
- Documents need to be replaced
- The number of participating signers has changed
Before You Cancel
- The option to cancel is only available for transactions that are expired.
- Transactions that are canceled are no longer accessible to your customers.
- Canceling a transaction is not reversible.
- You can delete transaction drafts from the main page.
Steps to Cancel a Single Transaction
Log in to your Proof account to complete the steps below.
Refer to View Your Team's Transactions for instructions on searching and filtering transactions.
- Click Send & manage from the navigation panel on the left:
- If you don't see the panel, click the caret to expand it.
- Find and click the desired transaction to open the Transaction Details.
- Click at the top of Transaction Details.
- Select Cancel transaction.
- Click Delete to confirm.
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