Information on using a Title or Lender Fairfax account and how that compares to the production environment.
🎯Primary Audience: Title Agents & Lenders
Our test environment is known as Fairfax. Fairfax allows you to create mock transactions to practice using Notarize. You can experiment using the Notarize user interface (UI) and/or the API at https://app.fairfax.proof.com.
A production account is a live account that sends genuine eClosings, Hybrids, and HELOCs to borrowers and sellers in your pipeline. Production accounts all start with the login page at https://app.proof.com/
Borrowers & Sellers
Your customers access transactions through the following URLs:
- If you access a transaction sent from a Notarize Fairfax environment as a borrower or seller (for testing purposes), you'll be directed to log in to https://app.fairfax.proof.com/
- When you send authentic transactions to your customers via your Notarize production account, they receive access links via email directing them to create an account or log in to their signer portal located at https://app.proof.com/.
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