You can choose how you would like to receive documents after they're signed on Notarize with Proof. This setting is set on a global level for your Proof account and will determine how documents are sent back to Encompass after completion. Please note that only e-signed documents will automatically return to Encompass. See Title Wet Sign Upload for Hybrid Transactions for retrieving wet-sign documents on Hybrid Transactions.
Document Settings
To change document settings, follow the instructions below:
- Click Settings from the menu on the left.
- If you don't see the menu, click the arrow towards the upper left corner to expand it.
- Select Integrations then Documents in the Notarize with Proof Lender Portal.
When setting up your Proof account, you can choose whether or not you would like the executed e-signed documents pushed back to Encompass as a merged file or as separate attachments. You can also select the location where you would like the executed e-sign documents returned.
As a Merged PDF
Lenders who would like a merged file returned to Encompass should select this option. The e-signed documents will return to Encompass as Merged E-Sign Final. Lenders can select the location for this pushback, such as the File Manager (default), or specify a custom folder.
As Single PDFs
Lenders who would like the individual documents returned to Encompass should select this option. You can select them to return to the File Manager or specify a custom folder for them to return to in Encompass.
In their Original Folders
Lenders who would like the executed documents to be assigned back to their original folders should select this option. The e-signed documents will return to Encompass in their original folders within the eFolder. Specifically, Lenders who rely on ICE Mortgage Technology's Auto Assign functionality should select this option as this is Notarize with Proof's workaround for barcode-based auto-assign in Encompass.
Audit Trail Pushback
You can configure the Audit Trail PDF attached to each completed transaction to push back to the File Manager or a Custom Folder in Encompass. See Push Back Audit Trail to Encompass for more details. Note: In Encompass, your API user will need permissions to create new folders for this to push successfully.
Do wet-sign documents push back to Encompass?
Only e-sign documents will automatically return to Encompass. Title agents can upload a merged wet-sign document package after completed by the signer for Hybrid Transactions, which will push back to Encompass. If Title Wet Sign Upload is enabled on your Lender account (ask your Proof Solutions Engineer), you will see the ability to customize the location where the merged package of completed wet-sign documents should push back to in Encompass.
You can either set the wet-sign documents to push back to the File Manager or a custom folder in Encompass. Note: In Encompass, your API user will need permissions to create new folders for this to push successfully.
Documents to Pull
There is also an option under Integration Settings > Documents to set which documents should pull to Notarize with Proof when placing orders from Encompass. Here you can specify the names of documents to pull from Encompass on the initial Place Order.
Leave blank to pull all documents with the Closing Document type. See How to Order Documents in Encompass for more information and speak to your Proof Solutions Engineer if you are interested in customizing this. Generally speaking, we leave this section blank.
Do Documents Added Directly on the Notarize with Proof Portal Push Back to Encompass?
Any documents uploaded to the transaction from the Notarize with Proof portal will be pushed back to the File Manager in Encompass as unassigned after the transaction is completed.
Other Pushback Options
You also have the option to push an extra copy of the Closing Disclosure to Encompass if you would like. Please request this from your Proof Solutions Engineer.
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