No need to log in to Notarize with Proof to update closing schedules on your loans! We support closing scheduling inside Encompass, providing convenience and flexibility to the Encompass integration. Your team can set default closing schedules to appear in Encompass and have full control of updating closing schedules for each transaction.
Closing Windows | Setting Closing Schedule in Encompass | Invalid Closing Window | How Closing Window Appear in Notarize with Proof
Closing Window Settings
In the Notarize with Proof platform, you can choose to set default closing schedules for each order type, determining how the closing schedule appears in Encompass. To access these settings, follow the instructions below.
- Click Settings from the menu on the left.
- If you don't see the menu, click the arrow to expand the menu.
- Click Integrations from the menu on the left side of Organization Settings.
- Select Closing Windows from the tabs on the Integrations page.
- Update each setting for Hybrid Closings, Hybrid Closings with eNotes, and Online Closings to the desired window in 24-hour increments, up to 14 days.
- Default for each is 24 hours.
When opening the form in Encompass, the closing window will default to whatever you have set up for each closing type. The defaulted timeframe will also be listed. If you update the closing timeframe, Notarize with Proof will not override your changes.
Set an individual transaction Closing Schedule in Encompass
When you select your order type, the default closing schedule will automatically appear along with the default timeframe. The closing window can be updated for each order.
Example #1: Online Closing set to be 72 hours by default in Notarize with Proof.
Example #2: Hybrid Closing set to 24 hours by default in Notarize with Proof. The closing date will be listed and is not editable from the form.
Updates to the default settings in Notarize with Proof will appear when the form reloads in Encompass. If the updated settings do not appear after reloading the form, you may need to switch between closing types to see the updated settings.
Invalid Closing Window
If an invalid closing window (i.e., the ‘Expiration’ date is before the ‘From' date) is set, update the closing window to a valid present or future schedule to proceed.
How closing schedules appear in Notarize with Proof
If you were to check the transaction in Notarize with Proof after selecting Place Order in Encompass, the closing schedule sets automatically on the transaction. For example, if you set your Online Closing schedule to be 6/28 - 6/30 in Encompass, it will appear this way in Notarize with Proof. Signers can sign documents anytime within this window at their convenience.
Closing Window set in Encompass
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