This article covers the options for completing a notarization that was initiated by a business and then sent to you and other individuals to be signed. There are a few options for handling notarizations that require signatures from multiple parties
We also cover Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at the bottom of this article.
🎯Primary Audience: B2C Individuals
Co-Located Signing
During a Co-Located Signing, signers are in the same room and join the same notary meeting together on one device (computer or mobile).
Split Signing
Signers are in different locations and are either unable or unwilling to join the same online notary meeting. Separate notary meetings take place, and fees are paid for each meeting.
- When one signer is signing, the other cannot be signing simultaneously.
- Some Split Signings also have a required Sequential Signings Order.
Concurrent Signing
Signers are in different locations and join the same notary meeting from separate devices at the same time:
- If Signer 1 starts a Concurrent Signing and elects to move forward instead of waiting in the virtual Waiting Room for Signer 2, it becomes a Split Signing.
- The business that sent the transaction may not allow you to continue to a Split Signing. Read Compulsory Concurrent Signing for more details.
- You cannot add notations/annotations before a Concurrent Signing. Any annotations must be made during the meeting.
If the signer pays for the transaction sent by the organization, how is it decided which signer is charged for a Concurrent Signing?
The current logic is that whoever enters the pre-meeting flow first will be charged for the meeting and any additional seal costs upon meeting completion.
What if one signer never shows up for a Concurrent Signing?
The meeting can continue with the present signer, and the missing signer can return later. The present signer selects Continue without others to exit the Waiting Room. This is now a Split Signing. However, this may not be allowed if the business that created the transaction enables Concurrent Signing Required
What if one of the signers loses connection during a Concurrent Signing?
If one signer loses connection and drops during the meeting, they can return through their text link, complete KBA and ID capture, and return to the same meeting.
Dropped signer returns to meeting
There may be two instances of the signer's video feed after they return. Before proceeding, the notary should lock any fulfilled fields and remove the old feed by click the 3 vertical dots under the signer's video and selecting Remove Signer.
Dropped signer cannot return to meeting
The notary should lock any fulfilled fields and select Remove Signer before proceeding with the remaining signer(s).
If one of the signers is late for a Concurrent Signing, can the meeting start with the present signers?
Yes. If a signer is late and the notary wants to start the signing process with the present signer, they can do so. However, all previously locked documents will unlock upon the 2nd signer joining.
Each signer must be present for each document (even if their signature is not required on that document). Your notary must review and lock each document with both signers present.
If one signer has completed their portion of a Concurrent Signing, can they leave the meeting early, or do they need to be there until everyone finishes signing?
Yes. The signer may leave the meeting when finished signing. The signer who is finished may close their browser window. (If they leave it open, the window will close automatically when the notary completes the meeting.)
The notary should not select Remove Signer in this case.
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