This article provides the procedure on how to connect your eOriginal to Notarize with Proof.
Now that you have set up your eOriginal Test on Demand and Production vaults, your Proof Solutions team will work to get your accounts connected! It's as simple as plugging in your eOriginal credentials to Notarize with Proof. We will first connect your Test on Demand account to Notarize with Proof Fairfax so you can test eNotes before going live.
Please provide the following either on a call or in an encrypted email to your Proof Solutions engineer (place zixencrypt in the body of the email).
Test on Demand (TOD) Vault
- Username for the API User
- Organization Name
- API Key
Production Vault
- Username for the API User
- Organization Name
- API Key
Your Proof Solutions Engineer will input these credentials into your Notarize with Proof Fairfax and Notarize with Proof Production Accounts. We will see a success message if the credentials are correct.
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