Now that you have officially received your API Keys from Notarize with Proof and ICE Mortgage Technology, Encompass admins should set up their API users to allow Notarize with Proof to connect to your Encompass environment. You are just a few steps away from getting Encompass connected to Notarize with Proof!
You need to create an API User in Encompass with the API Keys provided by your Proof Solutions Engineer when setting up the Notarize with Proof Encompass integration. See Connecting Encompass to Notarize with Proof for more details.
Required Permissions
The API user you create will need the following permissions set either directly or via a Persona:
Read/Edit Loans and Edit Subordinate Loans.
- Persona-based permissions need to have Encompass LO Mobile Connect. For example, the Loan Officer Persona in Encompass will have this permission by default, but your configuration may vary.
- Some Production loans may have additional visibility restrictions (e.g., employee loans). API users need to have full read/write access to all loans and Closing documents for which Notarize with Proof orders will be placed.
- Your user ID can be anything you like. Typically we see clients label it ‘Proof API User’.
- The API Client ID will be supplied by ICE Mortgage Technology and the Proof team. Plugin to 'API Client ID'.
- Once your API user is created, notify your Proof Solutions Engineer to plug in your client credentials into Notarize with Proof.
Once your client credentials are connected in Notarize with Proof, notify your Proof Solutions Engineer. Proof will then provide you with your CDO and Proof eClosing form to install in your Encompass Instance. Let’s get testing!
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